I'm called dreamymummy because I used to have a little independent record label called Dreamy Records. I spent my early 20s devoted to indie music and eventually started my own company so I could release records I liked. The label lasted from 1998 - 2005. It was a labour of love and I became known in small indie circles as Dreamy Tracy.
After my years in the heartbreaking music industry, I made a smooth transition into teaching yoga. Dreamy Yoga never really worked.... The name I was given in India was a Sanskrit word meaning "the female aspect of om". A swami of Eupropean descent flippantly referred to me as Miss Universe. Well, that's cute and all, but the domain name was already registered, so I became just yogamiss. Ten years of teaching and nearly 15 years of personal practice later, I am mother to Sebastian and pregnant with another little boy.
I have a few email addresses. yogamiss, yogamum, dreamytracy. I am all of these. Ultimately, for now, I am dreamymummy. I had to be really. Yoga is the union of all things or the yoking of realities. Becoming a mother, although there is an element of illusion that mothers are all seeing all knowing all all all, my experience is that motherhood is total chaos. I am definintely not united in my mind body and spirit on a regular basis. It does happen occasionally. There are perfect moments when everything feels so right and I've managed to do my duty remaining calm and in flow, but its rare. I dream of becoming that mummy sometimes.
I've started a blog.
Who on earth would want to read about my crazy adventures?
Let me re-phrase that.
Who on earth would I want to share my personal point of view with?
I don't know.
I guess the idea that I might eventually write something vaguely worth reading is some inspiration. At the moment, I barely have time to paint my toenails once a month let alone write a blog. That's motherhood for you.
I want to read about your crazy adventures!
ReplyDeleteHope you recovered from yesterday