At the end of May I enrolled us into the Parent & Child group at the Steiner school in Brighton. Within two weekly sessions, my son, the outsider, was part of a group. He was playing with others gracefully and following the rhythm of our class as if he thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not talking about having a good time because he got a new Buzz Lightyear, I mean, he was joining in the circle of mums and toddlers holding hands, singing; washing hands, making bread. My son was a blissed out toddler - and a joy to be around.
I'm thinking, this is it, Steiner is my new yoga. Because it helps me too. The calm and harmonious atmosphere guides me and my mothering. I meet women I like who have the same goals and need want the same kind of peace at home. I feel at home.
Of course, Seb is enrolled into Saltdean Preschool and I need the time off from two, so I decide to keep him in school two mornings a week until the end of term (which is next week). Two things happen to shake up the apple cart. 1) I am given a letter from the school requesting that I come to an AGM for parents (the preschool is a charity, run by a committee of parents). I turn up for the meeting late and within an hour I have been elected the new Chair person for the school. 2) Seb plays with kids in the park from his class - he is joyous; teachers at his preschool tell me how he's turned a corner and has really integrated himself into the group; I meet two mums (on the committee) that I like. Oh dear.
I'm wavering.
Because everything in life is connected. It feels like being a mother is the most important job in the world. The decisions I make now for my children will impact them forever. I want what's best.
I have to choose.....
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